There Are Two Ways To Cooperate :
Affiliation with an Endorsing Organization
Endorsing Organizations are organizations that agree with the purposes and activities and cooperate with PWNW, but are not directly involved in the operation of PWNW. Organizations that are already included in the partnership by virtue of a higher authority in their organization are invited to become Endorsing Organizations in their own right. (Article 4 of the Bylaws).
Approval Date Organization Name
- 11/19/2024 (Catholic) Diocese of Chuncheon,Korea
- 11/19/2024 (Catholic) Diocese of Uijeongbu,Korea
- 11/19/2024 (Catholic)Franciscan Missionaries of Mary,Japan (Catholic)
- 12/18/2024 (Catholic) Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri, USA
- 12/18/2024 (Catholic) Congregation of Japanese Sisters of Bethany,
- 12/18/2024 (Catholic) Jesuit Socio-Pastoral Center of Tokyo, Japan
- 12/18/2024 (Catholic) Sophia University, Japan
Affiliation with a Governing Organizations
Governing Organizations are organizations that agree with purposes and activities, cooperate with PWNW, elect one director, and become involved in the operation of PWNW in accordance with the Bylaws. Only Catholic dioceses, religious orders, and missionary societies are invited to become Governing Organizations. The Governing Organization members may be asked to pay membership dues in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors when expenses are required. (Article 4 of the Bylaws).
Parent Body
- (Catholic) Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico
- (Catholic) Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington
- (Catholic) Archdiocese of Nagasaki, Japan
- (Catholic) Diocese of Hiroshima, Japan
Approval Date Organization Name